PVC Cabinet Stand
Looking for a way to raise your PVC cages off of the ground and have the ability to hide your supplies but still keep them within reach? The PVC stands are a great addition to your PVC cages. Constructed of 1/2″ PVC they are made to hold the weight of the caging above while being able to hide all of your supplies as well.
The 2-wide stand comes with 1 door, and all other sizes are 2-door models.
PVC Pedestal
Tired of having to get down on your hands and knees to reach the bottom cage in your stack?
The PVC Pedestal is a cost effective matching riser for your caging stack raising your cages 8″ off of the ground.
The PVC Pedestals are a simple riser with a solid front lifting the cages off of the floor by 8″. The pedestals do not allow access for storage underneath
The PVC Pedestals also help with holding the heat within the cage when using PVC caging in a basement with a concrete floor