Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia

Sale price$19.99

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Please note that the photos of animals and plants may not accurately represent our current stock and could include past orders or stock images. Some images may showcase more mature specimens, as certain species do not display their full colors or patterns until maturity. While we strive to accommodate requests for additional photos, we cannot guarantee their availability. Thank you for your understanding!


Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia is a rare and prized aquarium plant from Southeast Asia. This is one of the largest Crypts, with leaves sometimes reaching up to 1 metre or more in length! It is named for its "bubbly" textured leaves, which resemble certain species of Aponogeton from Africa. Like most other Crypts this is an easy plant to grow, not requiring particularly high lighting or CO2 injection. Also like other Crypts, it may melt back when introduced to a new tank; don't worry, it will almost always grow a new set of leaves in short order! This Crypt also prefers moderate to hard water, which, coupled with the fact that fish are often reluctant to eat it, makes it an ideal candidate for African Cichlid tanks. A background of this plant makes for a truly unique display, especially in large aquaria.

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