Coenobita clypeatus also known as the Caribbean Hermit or Purple Pincher, is the most popular terrestrial hermit crab to keep as a pet. Their setup and care are quite simple, making them ideal for beginners to invertebrate pets. Provide a heat lamp to bring their temperature to around 75-78F, and keep a separate dish of both dechlorinated fresh water and salt water available. For substrate, a damp mixture of coconut fibre and sand works perfectly; a thick layer is ideal so these burrowing crabs can dig to their hearts content! These are social crabs that should be kept in groups; keeping crabs of all different sizes helps prevent fighting over shells. Speaking of shells, keep a number of empty shells of various sizes around the enclosure so your crabs have new homes to move into when needed.
With their handleable disposition and beautiful purple claws, these are definitely the best beginner crab!