Tetragonopterus spp.

Species: Tetragonopterus cf. argenteus
Sale price$3.99

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Please note that the photos of animals and plants may not accurately represent our current stock and could include past orders or stock images. Some images may showcase more mature specimens, as certain species do not display their full colors or patterns until maturity. While we strive to accommodate requests for additional photos, we cannot guarantee their availability. Thank you for your understanding!


Tetragonopterus is the original genus from which tetras gain their name. At one point, all small characins were lumped into this genus. Gradually, most species got moved to other genera such as Hyphessobrycon or Hemigrammus, leaving only a few species behind in the eponymous genus. Of the remaining Tetragonopterus, only T. argenteus is traded with any real frequency; these specimens were ordered as such, but upon arrival appear slightly different. One of the species that arrived is very similar to T. argenteus, but has a red dorsal fin instead of clear (We have it labeled as T. cf. argenteus). The other has no red, but a distinct black stripe in the anal fin (Labeled as Tetragonopterus sp.).

Tetragonopterus are larger tetras, reaching 3-4". They are a little nippy, but do fine with other agile and robust tankmates of similar size. Ideal options would include larger characins, rainbowfish, danios, and medium to large cichlids. They are loose shoalers that prefer to even space themselves throughout the tank, as opposed to schooling tightly together. These specimens are currently around 1" long.

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