Barred Spiny Eel

Sale price$19.99

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The barred spiny eel, also known as the Indian spiny eel, is a small freshwater fish native to southern Asia. Typically found in slow, shallow rivers, it exhibits sexual dimorphism with males being slimmer and often smaller than females.

This eel prefers habitats with dense vegetation such as canals, ponds, and slow-moving streams. In aquariums, they require a soft sand substrate for digging and ample hiding spots like plant thickets, bogwood, or rocky caves. Adding Indian Almond Leaves can mimic their natural environment, but these should be replaced regularly. Dim, diffused lighting with floating plants and a blue moon light can provide optimal conditions for observing their nocturnal behavior.

While not aggressive, barred spiny eels may prey on small fish, so tankmates should be chosen carefully. Neon Tetras and similarly sized fish are not recommended, but larger species like Rasboras, gouramis, rainbowfish, and certain catfish can be suitable companions. It's advisable to keep only one eel per tank unless it's exceptionally spacious with plenty of visual barriers, in which case a group of five or more can be housed together. Clean, well-filtered water with gentle movement is crucial for their health and well-being. This species may also be sold under the name Yellowfin Spiny Eel

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