2Hr Aquarist APT3 Complete

Size: 300 mL
Sale price$29.99
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APT Complete takes a middle path. It is a lot more concentrated than ADA to compensate for the ‘everyday/average/normal’ substrate used by most hobbyists, but less aggressive than EI.

APT 3 is perfect for tanks with more plants, fewer fish. Enjoy 100% comprehensive macro, micro and trace minerals. Unlocks the full potential of the hobby's most demanding plants.

APT Complete should be the default choice. It provides the optimal balance of nutrition and algae control across a wide range of tank styles. It contains a complete set of nutrients necessary for plant growth and does not require additional supplementation.

How to Use:

Dose 5ml per 100L four times a week or 3ml per 100L daily.

Each Dose Contains:

Each 5ml per 100L dose adds 3.8ppm Potassium (K), 1.8ppm Nitrogen (NO3), 0.7ppm Phosphorus (PO4), 0.05ppm Iron (Fe), 0.4ppm Magnesium (Mg) and additional amounts of Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn). 

The above dosage is designed to be dosed 4 times a week. So the total per week adds up to: 15.2ppm Potassium (K), 7.2ppm Nitrogen (NO3), 2.8ppm Phosphorus (PO4), 0.2ppm Iron (Fe), 1.6ppm Magnesium (Mg) and additional amounts of Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn). 

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