Afghan Leopard Gecko CBB

Sale price$350.00


The Afghan leopard gecko (Eublepharis afghanicus) is a relative of the well known leopard gecko, but are overall a smaller lizard. Their care is equitable to their more famous cousins. They originate from southeastern Afghanistan along the Kabul River, extending into northern Pakistan and the Hindu Kush mountains. Its habitat includes rocky desert and sparse grassland, but avoids sand.

A 20-gallon aquarium houses one gecko from hatchling to adult size. Any cage you choose should be at least 1 foot tall. Be sure to have a secure screen top on your gecko cage that will support a light fixture, provide good ventilation and keep out bothersome cats. A hide box filled with moist moss or vermiculite is needed, so your gecko can shed its skin properly. This secure setting also is needed for egg laying if you plan on breeding geckos. Live or artificial plants can be added for a nice decorative touch.

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