Orinoco Dwarf Pike Cichlid

Sale price$19.99


Crenicichla cf. regani 'Orinoco'. It is currently not determined whether these beautiful dwarf pike cichlids are a locality of C. regani, the closely related species C. notophthalmus or C. wallacei, or a new species altogether. Either way these are a small carnivorous species, with males reaching up to 6" max and females to around 4". Females have a red eyespot in the dorsal fin and are the more colourful sex. While pike cichlids are known to be aggressive, and these are certainly not a completely passive species, several aquarists report that they are more laid back for a Crenicichla and can usually be kept with 'dither' schooling fish that are too large to be considered prey, such as many danios or mid-sized tetras. Other cichlids, as well as bottom-dwelling species such as catfish or loaches, are still best avoided. These are an uncommon treat for the cichlid enthusiast and are perfect if you love the look of pike cichlids but can't house some of their massive cousins.

This is a young adult male around 4-5" long.

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