Please note that the photos of animals and plants may not accurately represent our current stock and could include past orders or stock images. Some images may showcase more mature specimens, as certain species do not display their full colors or patterns until maturity. While we strive to accommodate requests for additional photos, we cannot guarantee their availability. Thank you for your understanding!
Desmopuntius hexazona is a lovely small barb from Malaysia and Indonesia. While they are often traded and identified as D. pentazona, that species is quite rare in the hobby and possesses a dark spot at the base of the dorsal fin that these fish lack. Both species are notable as a more peaceful alternative to the ubiquitous Tiger Barb. While their pattern resembles tiger barbs quite closely, these fish stay smaller (around 2" max) and have more intense red colour in the body and fins, especially for males. Five-banded barbs are also quite laid back, not nearly as prone to nipping and bullying tankmates. They work quite well with most similarly-sized community fishes.