Pao palembangensis (Formerly Tetraodon palembangensis) is a larger species of freshwater pufferfish from Southeast Asia. Also known as Dragon puffers, they reach about 7-8" long. A relatively inactive species, they can be maintained in smaller tanks than many other similar sized puffers. Like all puffers, they have continuously growing teeth, so hard-shelled food items such as clams, snails, and other shellfish need to be included in their diet to wear them down. Pufferfish are very intelligent creatures and will learn to recognize and "bond" with their owners. These are aggressive fish and best maintained alone; if you do want to try to keep them in a community tank, large cyprinids and characins make for the best choices (Although no fish will ever be 100% safe!).
This is a 6" subadult that we have dubbed Carlton II.