Please note that the photos of animals and plants may not accurately represent our current stock and could include past orders or stock images. Some images may showcase more mature specimens, as certain species do not display their full colors or patterns until maturity. While we strive to accommodate requests for additional photos, we cannot guarantee their availability. Thank you for your understanding!
The Imperial Lapis Tetra (Hyphessobrycon sp. ‘Imperial Lapis’), also known as the black band tetra, black stripe tetra, blue blackbanded tetra, or blue ribbon tetra, is a small characin species native to South America's freshwater habitats. Reaching a maximum size of 2 inches, this smaller tetra is a great fit for a range of community aquariums. Its stunning appearance features silvery, iridescent bodies highlighted by a bold black stripe along its side. Being a schooling fish, the Imperial Lapis Tetra thrives best when kept in groups.