Luciocephalus aura is one of the most unique gouramis known to science. While most gouramis have a thick, compact body, the genus Luciocephalus has evolved a gar- or pike-like morphology to better suit its ambush predator lifestyle. These are a highly predatory, carnivorous species that prefer live foods such as guppies, earthworms, etc. It is unlikely that you can convince them to eat dead foods. While pikeheads grow up to 8" long, they are not very active and do not need massive tanks to do well; a 30 gallon should suffice for one or a pair. Pikeheads are not aggressive with each other and can be housed in groups given enough space, but their shy temperment, specific environmental demands, and voracious appetite mean they are best kept in a species-only aquarium. They require soft, acidic water to do well, but in such conditions they are hardy and long-lived. They definitely are not a fish for just anybody, but for those with an appreciation for predatory fish, gouramis, or just weird creatures in general, they are really quite the find!
L. aura is the more recently described of the two pikehead species, and is considered the more beautiful of them. With a greenish-blue side peppered with gold pearlescent spots, it's easy to see why!
These are captive-bred babies around 3" long. They are eating chopped earthworm and feeder guppies.