Please note that the photos of animals and plants may not accurately represent our current stock and could include past orders or stock images. Some images may showcase more mature specimens, as certain species do not display their full colors or patterns until maturity. While we strive to accommodate requests for additional photos, we cannot guarantee their availability. Thank you for your understanding!
Indostomus paradoxus. The Paradox fish or Armored Stickleback is a bizarre dwarf member of the order Gasterosteiformes (a group which includes sticklebacks, seahorses, and other unusual fish) known only from freshwater drainages throughout Myanmar. In the wild, it tends to inhabit relatively shallow, warm, slow moving waters, often in areas of dense vegetation. This species is a dedicated micropredator, which hunts tiny invertebrates in its native habitat. In the aquarium, it should be offered a variety of small live foods although they will sometimes accept small frozen foods like Daphnia or baby brine. Due to their diet and relatively shy nature, this unusual fish is best kept in a species tank or with other very peaceful, similarly slow moving tankmates.