The domestic Goldfish is one of the most popular fish kept today, and also one of the very first to be kept indoors. Contrary to dated belief, goldfish cannot be kept in tiny, unfiltered bowls. They should get quite large (about the size of a sweet potato) and live for decades. These are intelligent fish that will come to recognize their owners; the idea that their memory span is only 3 minutes has been disproven by multiple scientific studies. An ideal environment for goldfish is a 30-40 gallon tank with at least 2-3 goldfish, and nice strong filtration.
Oranda are famed for the fleshy hood, properly known as a 'wen', that develops around their head with maturity.
The "Small" size is a batch of subadults, around 2.5" long without the tail. They are beginning to develop their wen. The XL are mature individuals around 3.5" long without the tail, with very well-developed wen.