ReptiZoo Intelligent Deluxe Rainforest/Misting System 10L

Sale price$289.99
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Please note that the photos of animals and plants may not accurately represent our current stock and could include past orders or stock images. Some images may showcase more mature specimens, as certain species do not display their full colors or patterns until maturity. While we strive to accommodate requests for additional photos, we cannot guarantee their availability. Thank you for your understanding!


  • Simulates the rainy scene for a reptile breeding box and adjust the temperature of the breeding environment 
  • Adjust the panel timing controller and the flow control knob and be able to set the spray time, spray times and mist output. On and off control can be achieved any time through the remote control
  • With a self-contained water tank and integrated design, easy to install and use
  • The unique shock abatement design will bring you a relatively quiet working environment 
  • Waterproof surface, can refill water from top of sprayer directly
  • Remote controller infrared controller (not included)
  • Includes 4pcs spray nozzle
  • Flexible Spray nozzles (Up to 20) can be pointed in any direction
  • Pressure 60-132 PSI

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